Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Invitation for Training for Trainers organized by AFS Czech Republic on Active Citizenship in Central and Eastern Europe that is scheduled to happen on Tuesday, July 4, 6 pm - Sunday, July 9.
​​AFS CZE is organizing a training for our junior trainers and members of the Czech Pool of Trainers. The training is aimed at developing general trainer skills. As a leading topic of the training and particular activities, we choose Active Citizenship in Central and Eastern Europe.  

Themes and Objectives of the Training Course

The Training for Trainers organized by AFS CZE, except general trainer skills development, will also concentrate on the topic of Active Citizenship in Central and Eastern Europe. Our focus should reflect on both current events (social, political) happening in this part of Europe, but also the needs of our organization - we would like to address the link between intercultural learning and active responsible involvement in communities.

By gathering multipliers from different countries and providing them with relevant tools and skills we hope to create an interesting learning environment. Last, but not least, we hope that through exploring this topic, we can offer our participants a good starting position for taking a part as trainers in e.g. the ECTP (European Citizenship Trimestral Program) camp in Brussels, where they can further develop their skills and knowledge acquired during this Training for Trainers.

At the end of the training, participants will have time and space for designing their own training under the supervision of the trainers which will be then performed to an invited auditorium consisting from Czech volunteers and other participants.

This Training for Trainers will address 3 main points:

  • Developing trainer competences
  • Providing trainers with practical experience of training and group work
  • Connecting current and future trainers from Central and Eastern European countries
  • Topics ​T​easer​:​
  • Active citizenship and AFS
  • Session design and activity flow
  • Expectation management
  • Methodology and various methods for group and individual work
  • Group dynamics and group development
  • Reflection methods
  • Evaluation done right
  • … and much more!

Since we are all young and agile people, we feel that paying large amounts of money for a hotel is a waste of resources. Therefore, we will organize accommodation at homes of other participants who live in Prague or ask volunteers from the Prague chapter to accommodate  participants of the training. In case not enough beds are found in Prague, we opt out for airBNB. We are aware that this option is slightly punk but we believe that it will foster a strong AFS feeling of socializing and getting to know new people.​

Application deadline: ​10th June, 2017​


Registered Volunteers,
1 year of active involvement in chapter, must be able to represent India during training, should have knowledge & background of the chapter and organization, should be ready to share the knowledge and learning after coming back​

Fee: 110 EURO​ ​+ Airfare + Visa + Local Commute

The fee includes accommodation in Prague, all training sessions, materials and lunch during all days. ​Participants will need to take care of the airfare, visa & other local commute. ​

Volunteer Exchange Program to Switzerland

Hosting by Switzerland-9th October- 22nd October, 2017  |    Hosting in India -25th September-9th October, 2017   


Please share your application forms by 20th May, 2017

Program Duration-2 weeks

Eligibility Criteria:
1. One has to be a registered volunteer and active – both at local level and/or national level
2. Should be willing to take part in both hosting and sending of the Volunteer Exchange Program
3. Preference will be given to those who have not participated in any exchange program earlier
4. One has to continue being active in the chapter for a minimum of 1 year after attending this Volunteer Exchange Program
5. Should have filled “AFS and You form” with activities with last one year's activities. 
6. Should have spoken English capabilities.

Important Note:
1. The Agenda and Eligibility criteria are subject to change depending on the requirement of the partner country
2. The volunteer is responsible for all the expenses which include travel, visa and other incidental costs
3. The volunteer is required to share a report about the exchange upon their return from the program as well as after completion of hosting participants from partner country

Interested volunteers are requested to please contact Priya Bhattacharya (priya.sen@afs.org) and Aadil Fahim (aadil.fahim@afs.org)​ for forms by 20th May, 2017. The forms received beyond the deadline will not be entertained.

The initial screening would be done by the National Office and only the shortlisted volunteers will be intimated.

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Apply Today to Participate in PEACE Project | Deadline 10th May, 2017

​​An opportunity for participating in the PEACE project. PEACE stands for Peace in Europe and Asia through global Citizenship Education.

​The overall aim of the project is to develop a new sustainable 3-month secondary school exchange program between Asian and Europe called PEACE which recognises non-formal learning. In addition, the project aims at strengthening the volunteer force which supports the program, empowering them to take ownership of the PEACE program and making the volunteers themselves active global citizens.

​​During this visit, each European partner will visit their Asian pair​ (in India)​ to explore the local/national reality of global citizenship in Asia. The idea is to set up meetings with local and national organisations that work on global citizenship, but also explore the awareness of AFS volunteers and staff regarding the topic. These activities can be combined with a visit to the national AFS office​​.​ ​

After the country visits all participants (Asian and European) will meet in India to gather the findings.
This is where you'd be needed. ​

How to apply?

To participate in the PEACE project, you need to write a cover letter (word limit 800-1000 words) by answering these questions:

  • How do you think this participating in the PEACE project will help you in your holistic growth?
  • With your given background, cite examples of how you think you can help in strategizing and developing programs needed in the PEACE project?
  • Have you worked on creating any programs in the fields of education and intercultural learning? If yes, provide examples.
  • Have you had exposure of European c​​ulture? If yes, how do you create programs while keeping in mind both the aspects of Asian and European culture?
  • How would you use acquired skills, tools & experiences in terms of benefiting yourself, your chapter & the organization?

Criteria to apply:

  • Must be a registered volunteer with AFS India.
  • Must submit the cover letter before deadline.
  • Must not have attended any national or international event in last six months.

The dates for the event is 19th – 23rd June, 2017. (Arrival being 18th June & Departure being 24th June)
​Deadline: 10th May, 2017